Monday, May 28, 2007

Wikipedia versus Britannica

I numeri parlano chiaro: in 6 anni e mezzo Wikipedia ha scalato le classifiche dei siti più visitati e oggi conta 60 milioni di accessi al giorno. Ma chi ci scrive è davvero credibile? Secondo la rivista Nature pare di sì, quanto la blasonata Enciclopedia Britannica.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Nuovi Materiali sul Web 2.0

Ecco il mio acount su Slideshare
nuovi contenuti e materiali in Creative Commons disponibili

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Articolo interessante su Bambini e Computer

Edith K. Ackermann
MIT, School of Architecture
77, Massachusetts Avenue. 10-491M
Cambridge, MA 02138
+1 617 864 8446

This paper looks into a small collection of animated toys,
or “AniMates”, which I describe in terms of the mental
elbowroom each provides for exploring and enacting issues
of agency, identity, attachment, and control. Toys are
selected for their varying degrees of autonomy and
responsiveness, and for their lasting popularity, or capacity
to captivate commonly held passions. As will become clear
through the examples, animated toys need not be
computational to qualify as AniMates. Many classical toys
exhibit creature-like qualities, such as self-propelled
movement (wind-up toys) or the ability to keep a bearing
(tops and gyros). And many no-tech or low-tech toys exist,
which afford the thrill of controlling things at a distance
(kites, string puppets). My purpose is to highlight some of
the relational qualities that, beyond functionality, endow
AniMates with the power to draw us in, amuse and delight
us and, above all, re-enact some of the hurdles that growing
up entails—an indirect hint to toy-bots/tech-toys designers.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Relazione al Fest di Trieste

Ecco la relazione che ho svolto ieri al Fest di Trieste se qulcuno è interessato ... :)

a presto


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fest Trieste

Download - La comunicazione scientifica ai tempi di internet
Edith Ackermann, Derrick De Kerckhove, Jean Paul Dubacq, Fernando Folini. Introduce e coordina Paolo Ferri.

Internet è considerato una vera e propria rivoluzione: non soltanto ha cambiato il modo di comunicare e lavorare, ma ha creato una mentalità nuova. Le informazioni sono più facili da reperire, e la velocità con cui sono scambiate era impensabile anche soltanto quindici anni fa. Quali sono le conseguenze per la comunicazione della scienza? Chi controlla le informazioni che sono messe in rete? Quali sono i rapporti tra internet e la libera circolazione del sapere, la validità e l’attendibilità dei dati? E come tutelare il libero accesso alla conoscenza offerto potenzialmente dalla rete delle reti e le esigenze di sicurezza planetarie? A queste e altre domande rispondono esperti provenienti da diverse realtà.

Edith Ackermann
Ricercatrice e docente in Psicologia dello sviluppo, insegna al l’Università di Aix-Marseille 1 e alla scuola di architettura di Massachusetts Institute of Technology. É consulente per il LEGO Learning Institute, Create Tv & Film, Media Lab Future of Learning Group, oltre che per vari dipartimenti del MIT ed altri importanti istituti e organizzazioni che indagano la relazione tra gioco, apprendimento, insegnamento, design, pensiero creativo e tecnologie digitali. È stata ricercatrice al Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, ha collaborato con il Centre International d'Epistémologie Génétique (C.I.E.G.) di Ginevra sotto la direzione di Jean Piaget. Laureata in Psicologia sperimentale nel 1969 all’Università di Ginevra, ha ottenuto due master in Psicologia dello sviluppo e Psicologia clinica nel 1970 e nel 1981 il dottrato in Psicologia.

Derrick De Kerckhove
Direttore del Programma McLuhan di cultura e tecnologia e professore del Dipartimento francese all'Università di Toronto (Canada). Il Programma McLuhan, così come il lavoro di McLuhan stesso, è indirizzato alla comprensione di come le tecnologie influenzano e influenzeranno la società. De Kerckhove promuove una nuova forma di espressione artistica, che unisce le arti, l'ingegneria e le nuove tecnologie di telecomunicazione. De Kerckhove è consulente dei media e iniziative culturali, e ha partecipato alla preparazione e all'ideazione del padiglione di Ontario all'Expo '92 di Siviglia (Spagna), all'esposizione Canada in Space e al Centro di trasmissione della Canadian Broadcasting Company. E' stato recentemente membro della commissione incaricata della progettazione di una politica culturale per la comunità francofona in Ontario e del Comitato governativo di Ontario sulla strategia di telecomunicazioni.

Paolo Ferri
Professore Associato docente di Tecnologie didattiche e Teoria e tecnica dei nuovi media presso la Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell’Università di Milano Bicocca. Tra i suoi libri: E-learning. Formazione, comunicazione e tecnologie digitali (Le Monnier, 2005), La fine dei mass media. Le nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e le trasformazioni dell'industria culturale (Guerini e Associati, 2004).

Monday, May 14, 2007

Paolo Maria Ferri is Associate Professor the Faculty of Educational Sciences of University of Milano-Bicocca-Department of Epistemology and Hermeneutics of Education (Disciplinar sector M-PED/03- Eductional studies). From a.y. 2001/2002 is regular teacher of the Course in "Theory and application of New Media" in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, in the Degree in "Intercultural Communication" and "Primary Educational Sciences", of the Course in "Educational Methodologies and Technologies 2" (a.y 2004/2005) in the Second Level Degree in Adults' education and organizations' consulence and has tought (a.y.2003/2004) Sociology of Media, in the Second Level Degree in Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Among his appointments:
-member of Teaching Staff of international and interdisciplinary PHD about "Society of information" of University Milano-Bicocca ( Coordinator Professor Guido Martinotti);
-Member of the Academic Board for the Estabilishment of a Multimedial Design and Production Center ;
-From 2004, member of E-learning Board of University Milan-Bicocca, that coordinates e-learning activities of the University;
-From 2005, member of University Press Board of University Milan-Bicocca, that aims at creating a publishing house within the University;
-Professor at SILSIS ( Qualifying School for Secondary Teaching in Lombardia)- Milan Section ( 8 hours, subject: Teaching Technologies);
-member of Italian Society for E-learning(;
-member of Board of Directors of I.UL. pool (INDIRE, University of Florence , University of Macerata , University of Palermo , University of Rome-LUMSA );
-member of Coordination Board (responsible for technologic area) and professor in master's degree "Expert in education, researchand development of human resources. Methodologies and technologies in education and people's management."
Areas of research: As regards scientific activity, he's expert in didactical technologies and theory and practices of new media. He has analysed thoroughly multimedial and educational didactics, through off-line and on-line digital tools, and the difficoult relations among new digital technologies, educational and social sciences. He has gone into new hypermedial methods of transmission of knowledge, both from epistemologicl and techological point of view.
He has been interested in the following research spheres:
a. Technics and use of informatics in different didactical and educational contexts: school, university, teachers' and adults'
education, with special attention to didactical, technological and organizative design of web "sites" and "portals", thought for education, Computer Supplied Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Computer Supplied Collaborative Working (CSCW).
b. E-learning and distance teaching, with special attention to didactical and learning design. He has been member of a research team who has developed an international research about "Life history of E-learning", coordinated by Professor Raoul C.D. Nacamulli, whose results have been presented in the book La formazione, il cemento e la rete. E-learning, management delle conoscenze e processi di sviluppo organizzativo (ETAS 2003). In collaboration with IULM University in Milan and University Humanities Lab has developed the projects: Virtual Classes and Web Academy .
c. the impact of digital revolution and new communication technologies on epistemological paradigms and on the practices of didactics and education.
d. Theories of hypertext and hypermedia and the analysis of epistemological changes that "written text" and the modalities of editing, use and critical interpretation can undergo moving from written to digital writing space;
e. Theoretical and practical problems in the shift from traditional to multimedial publishing: digital coding and filing, multimedial design and production, new professional figures in relation to the market.
Running research projects in Department of Educational Epistemology and Ermeneutics in Faculty of Educational sciences of University Milan-Bicocca:
-Coordinator of a research team, headed by Professor Susanna Mantovani, that is developing the research " Computer, children and adults: experiences and representations", with the funds of IBM ITALIA Foundation. It analyses from a qualitative point of view the approach and first usage of digital technologies by pre-school and school age children (2-6 years) and the changes they introduce in learning and cognitive schemes, finding also educational paths for operators and teachers in early childhood school. First results of this research have been presented during the international workshop "Bambini e Computer. Le nuove tecnologie a scuola e in famiglia" ( Children and computer. New technologies at school and in family), organized by Faculty of Educational Sciences of University Milan-Bicocca and IBM ITALIA Foundation, "Dal Verme" Teather ,Via San Giovanni sul Muro, 2 - Milan, March 4th
2005. Speakers: Augusto Chioccariello, Jane Healy, Giuseppe O. Longo, Tomàs Maldonado, Langdon Winner, Research Group of University Milan-Bicocca.
He coordinates, with Professor Mantovani and Professor Nacamulli, pilot e-learning project of Faculty of Educational Sciences of University Milan-Bicocca, financed by University in 2005 and 2006, "FORTECH. Ricerca e sperimentazione di metodologie e pratiche di integrazione tra didattica frontale e tecnologie digitali della formazione" (Research and sperimentation of methodologies
and practices of integration between frontal didactics and educational digital technologies". The project aims at developing and e-learning system based on open source technologies (adaptation of platform Docebo LMS),corresponding with cross-media standards of Ministerial Decree Moratti-Stanca, and oriented to a experimentation about the methods of integration between frontal and technological didactics, within some piolt courses in Degrees of Faculty of Educational Sciences.
From a.y. 2004/2005 he coordinates with Professor Anolli, the Laboratory of Pedagogical and Psychological Experimentation. This Laboratory, that has 12 pc and 3 servers and is integrated in University laboratory, is used for researches about digital technologies in learning and psychology of communication; it is thought for teachers, phd students and final year students who take part to research projects about these subjects.
He has been scientific coordinator of the research "Interattività: quale appeal? Una ricerca qualitativa sui modelli di e.content e "multicanalità" (Interactivity: which appeal? A qualitative research on e-content and cross-media models) ordered by Assolombarda for Cenacolo Prize.